Myunimentor is an independent space that allows local students in each university and future students from overseas to share information about university life and culture. Local students have the opportunity to give back by supporting their international peer while receiving a potential award. Future students are given independent advice directly from local students. Myunimentor also allows customized support such as viewing accommodation or airport pickup from local students. These tailored, compensated tasks allow job opportunities for local students and make the transition to the new culture/life easier and more exciting. Members of our team have experienced the challenges with moving overseas and studying in a different environment. We are people who were helped and later helped others in places like Australia, China, Korea, Germany, and New Zealand. We believe helping is an opportunity. Each experience allows us to live with purpose, to learn and to find out who we are and who we meant to be. Life may be limited in time but our impact can be timeless. We give gratitude to all uni-mentors and congratulate all uni-mentees for taking up this new challenge.